What snow accumulation can tell you about your property

Did you know that how snow accumulates on your home can actually tell you a lot about your property, including how well (or poorly) it handles the winter weather, and how energy efficient it is!

Here are a few things you can look for and why they’re important:

Does snow tend to melt off your roof before your neighbor’s roof?
This could be caused by heat loss!
While there are a few factors that could cause this, including your roof getting more sun exposure than your neighbors, a common cause is actually heat loss through your attic. This can not only cost you a lot of money in energy costs each winter, but can cause your home to be colder and even result in damage to your roof or siding!
What can you do about it? Many homeowners may instinctively react by insulating the ceiling of their attics, and this could be a big mistake. While this will likely stop the snow from melting on your roof, you’re actually fixing the wrong problem (and potentially creating another one). Instead of insulating the ceiling of the attic and trapping the warm air inside your attic space, it’s recommended to insulate the floor of your attic so that you’re keeping the heat in your living space instead. Properly insulating your attic will keep your living space warmer, save you money on your energy costs, and extend the life of your roof so it lasts longer!

Do you have a lot of icicles accumulating along your roof line?
Your gutters could be clogged!
You may think your gutters are just important when it rains, but they actually serve an important purpose in the winter, where they will divert snow and ice melt when it’s melting off of your roof. If your gutters are clogged or damaged, you can not only have an accumulation of icicles along your roof line, but also ice dams and roof leaks!
What can you do about it? It’s recommended to clean your gutters each fall to ensure that they aren’t clogged and can work efficiently. If your gutters are high or difficult to reach, it is recommended to hire a professional to perform this cleaning for you. During your annual cleaning, you should also look for any signs of damage that may have occurred to your gutters so that any issues discovered can be repaired as well.

Do you have thick layers of snow that accumulate on your roof?
Your roof may not be graded properly!
While you should expect to have some snow cover on your roof during the winter, thick layers of snow can be a problem as it adds significant weight to your roof that could damage structural members, attic framing, and result in roof leaks!
What can you do about it? If your roof is not graded properly, you may need to have a roofer repair, or even redesign, the pitch of your roof. Flat roofs may require additional draining or maintenance each year to avoid additional damage.

Does snow accumulate against the side of your house?
This could cause foundation damage or moisture intrusion!
If you notice snow drifts up against your home, this could be a sign of a few issues, including an exterior grading issue or landscaping problems. The reason this is such a concern is because that accumulation of snow can cause damage to decks, siding, and even your foundation.
What can you do about it? In the short term, you can shovel this accumulation away from your home to prevent moisture intrusion and winter weather damage, but long term you may want to review the grading of your property and landscaping with an excavation company or landscaper. They should be able to evaluate your property and make recommendations to prevent or reduce large amounts of snow accumulation against your property in the future.

Do you notice a lot of condensation on windows?
You likely have a humidity issue!
Humidity in the air will naturally condense on cold surfaces like your windows. If not addressed properly, this moisture condensation can run into wall cavities where it can cause water damage and mold growth! In fact, while this may seem like an unlikely issue, it’s unfortunately a common cause of mold issues in exterior walls during the winter months.
What can you do about it? There are two reasons why you may notice condensation issues on windows. The first is that you may have high humidity inside your home. If this is the case, it’s recommended to address your humidity issue through dehumidification or by correcting interior moisture issues. The second is that you may have old, single-pane, windows that get colder than newer double-pane windows do. In this case, you can temporarily put plastic on the windows to attempt to create an “air gap” that acts as a layer of insulation against the cold weather, but ultimately the only permanent solution will be to replace your windows with newer windows that are more energy efficient.

We hope this information was helpful and gives you something to look for this winter.
This will allow you to identify potential issues so that you can address them to prevent further damage to your home and increase its energy efficiency!
As always, if we can ever help with anything, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

About Disaster Blaster
Disaster Blaster is an indoor environmental firm serving the Northeastern PA Area. We have been providing our local area with unparalleled mold remediation, water damage mitigation, basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing, asbestos abatement, radon mitigation, and fire / smoke restoration services for decades, and are proud to have been named The World’s Greatest Indoor Environmental Firm. For more about Disaster Blaster, as well as more helpful tips, please visit our website at: www.disasterblaster.com or call our office at (570) 963-1123.