Top Tips to Prepare Your Home for the Spring Selling Season

Declutter Get rid of all the junk that irritates you… it will certainly turn off a buyer. Take a critical eye to your home. Maybe even have a third party do this. Living somewhere daily reduces the things you notice that might be a problem, i.e., dirty walls, scuffs and scrapes, leaks, or even odors that might be present that you have become accustomed to. Fix broken stuff Yes, that garage door opener that doesn’t work or the ice maker on the fridge. If it is staying with the house, it needs to be fixed. You have learned to live with it or without it, but a buyer will view it as neglectful and judge your whole house’s upkeep and maintenance on those couple of broken items. Know what is selling around you and why Are homes selling quickly in your price range? Maybe you can be aggressive with your price. If you use a realtor, they will help arrive at price but know yourself as well. A realtor may not be as familiar with your area. Clean and organize the closets With the modular closet items available today, it is easy and inexpensive to dress up your closets. Storage really does matter when considering a new home. Make sure the outside entry way is in tip top shape This is the focus from the street and also the first thing prospective buyers see when entering your house. Fresh paint on the front door and fresh flowers can make a big difference. If you are not going to sell your home by yourself, then interview several realtors       Ask them about your area, what their marketing plan will be, and negotiate commission. There are thousands of realtors and not all of them are equal. Don’t get frustrated by the fact that you pick one that simply puts a sign in your yard and waits for the low hanging fruit. You are going to pay this person a lot of money… make them work for it and for you! Deep clean the kitchen and bathrooms These areas of the home are generally the most cluttered and dirty. Both of those things will turn off willing buyers. Deep clean stove tops and ovens, cabinets and sinks. Also spend some extra time if you have a dirty shower or bath tub. If they don’t already, you want these things to sparkle. Pet waste and signs of damage Clean up the backyard or whatever area your pets use outside. Buyers will walk around the yard; you don’t want them to be distracted from your home because they are maneuvering through a mine field of dog droppings. Also, you can’t conceal damage but that doesn’t mean you can’t fix stuff. If the dog has chewed a door or scratched a wall… fix it. These easy and inexpensive fixes will pay great dividends when you sell the house. De-personalize your home You want prospective buyers to be able to visualize their family in the home, and that is much harder to do with all of your family’s stuff. So go ahead and pack up most of the pictures, trophies, mementos.  You are going to do it any way to move, just get a head start. Marty Basher is the home organization expert for Modular Closets. Modular Closets are high-quality and easy-to-design closet systems you can order, assemble and install yourself, in no time at all. Using closet modules (closet pieces you can mix & match to design your own modular closet), homeowners everywhere are empowered to achieve the true custom closet look- for nearly 40% less than standard custom closets. Visit the site at